Spuds Away

Apr 22, 2023

So the spuds are in! Luckily last week was dry enough to get the ground ready and with a little bit of rotivator action and a liberal quantity of the miracle lama poo we have all the potatoes planted.

Each furrow is about 18inch apart with each spud around 10-16 inches between. I use a sturdy plank to dig the furrows as this stops the soil getting compacted and makes an easy guide to keep your rows straight!

This year I’ve planted 3 rows of Charlotte (new) https://www.rhsplants.co.uk/  and 4 rows of Desiree (main crop) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Désirée_potato. The Desiree grow well even in dry conditions which can happen at the top end of Tassell Hall. The new potatoes should be ready in 10 to 12 weeks an then the maincrop ready in September.

I’ve also planted my second sowing of cañarían Azucena Negra potatoes (the first already growing in the greenhouse)  https://conecte.es/index.php/es/variedades/141-papa-azucena-negra which are brilliant for summer salads and Spanish tapas.

we should be fairly clear of frosts now, so in a week or two they should start to show above ground!

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